658. WE-Heraeus Seminar

Spins out of equilibrium: Manipulating and detecting quantum magnets

08 - 10 January 2018, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany

Generously supported by the WE-Heraeus Foundation



Scientific background

Participants at the 658th WE-Heraeus Seminar.

The temporal dynamics of the magnetic order in solids allows for completely novel insights into the elementary interactions of ordered electron spins with their environment. Probing the magnetic order out of equilibrium is of paramount importance both for the storage and processing components of magnetically encoded information, and a fundamental understanding of correlated spins in matter. The time scales relevant for the magnetization dynamics range from the nanosecond regime to the femtosecond range. These magnetic time scales correspond to frequencies of approximately 1 GHz to 100 THz in the electromagnetic spectrum and thus span the range from radio waves to light. Ferromagnetic resonance and spin waves in the GHz domain has a long tradition, and is now applied to single spin manipulation or probing quantum electrodynamics in spin-systems

Conference Organizers (left to right) Prof. Yuriy Mokrousov, Prof. Dmitry Turchinovich and Dr. Martin Weides.

On the side of THz domain, the interaction of the spin degree of freedom with the femtosecond laser radiation is of key importance for our launching into the field on ultrafast magnetic applications. A particularly exiting aspect is acquiring an ability to shape the required magnetic states for further processing on the ultrafast time scales, which is aided by strongly non- equilibrium processes. On the other hand, the uncovering of the laws which govern the formation of topological states in interacting spin systems, as well as estimating the time-scales and means of influencing their properties in terms of non-equilibrium dynamics require essential leaps in our conceptual understanding of the emergent behavior of ensembles of spins which roots in topological properties. The topological nature of spin ensembles can manifest at various length scales providing thus a large span of phenomena which can be realized in a dissipationless way, and lead to realization of such attractive and promising concepts as 3D memory and topological computing.

In this seminar we will bring together communities working in quantum spin dynamics (aka magnonics), ultrafast spintronics, and topological spins. Our particular focus lies with stimulating the discovery of emergent spin materials suitable for all three areas by introducing new research concepts related to quantum resolved magnon-polariton spectroscopy, advanced cavity-QED, microwave quantum optics technologies, and ultrafast manipulation of spins. The central theme of the seminar is the discovery of novel emergent materials suitable for realization of different ideas for each of the research areas. Ultimately, our goal is to stimulate discoveries of ground-breaking nature, generate novel ideas and extend the research objectives by bringing together the experts in three distinct fields in modern magnetism in order to open up new horizons for quantum, magnon and spin electronics.

Invited Speakers

Prof. Stefan Blügel
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Prof. Mirko Cinchetti
TU Dortmund
Prof. Sergey Ganichev
University of Regensburg
Prof. Can-Ming Hu
University of Manitoba
Prof. Mathias Kläui
University of Mainz
Prof. Stefan Mathias
University of Göttingen
Prof. Markus Münzenberg
University of Greifswald
Prof. Stuart Parkin
MPI of Microstructure Physics, Halle
Dr. Yutaka Tabuchi
The University of Tokyo*
Prof. Hong Tang
Yale University
Prof. Roser Valenti
University Frankfurt am Main
Dr. Mathias Weiler
Technical University of Münich
Prof. Wolfgang Wernsdorfer
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Prof. Frank Wilhelm
Saarland University
Dr. Jakub Zelezny
University of Prague


Scientific Programme 

For print use: Scientific programme WEH658 (PDF, 84 kB)

The 658. WE-Heraeus Seminar is kindly supported by the WE-Heraeus Foundation.


Organisation Committee

Contact email addressweh658@fz-juelich.de
Prof. Dmitry Turchinovich
University of Duisburg-Essen
Dr. Martin Weides
Physikalisches Institut
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Prof. Yuriy Mokrousov
Topological Nanoelectronics Group
Peter-Grünberg Insitute PGI-1 and Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-1)
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52425 Jülich / Germany

Last Modified: 24.03.2022