
The Jülich Centre for Neutron Science organizes highly-regarded schools and courses for students and young scientists, often in close cooperation with other institutes at Forschungszentrum Jülich.

Details on upcoming events and information about current and previous courses:

IFF-Spring School

Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering

JCNS Workshops

Current talks, conferences and events

Further reading

The lecture notes which accompany our schools and courses offer a solid introduction to the basics of neutron scattering and other scattering methods.

We have prepared a selection of them for you here:

Lecture Notes

Neutrons: understanding quantum mechanics intuitively

Neutrons are extremely suited to illustrate the basic principles of quantum physics.

Two short films are available here to view or download for use in introductory lecture courses on quantum mechanics or for self-study:

Basic principles of quantum mechanics demonstrated by neutron scattering

A video on the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science provides insights into research with neutrons

What are neutrons, how are they produced and why are they indispensable for research? How does society benefit from neutron research and what are Forschungszentrum Jülich's contributions? These are just some of the issues regarding the key technology of neutron scattering explored in the ten-minute video on the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS), which can now be accessed online both in German and in English. JCNS has been pooling Jülich's expertise in neutron research since 2006 and was given the status of an institute in January 2011.

The video entitled "Breaking New Ground. The Jülich Centre for Neutron Research - JCNS" gives information on the work of the scientists at JCNS in a vivid and easy-to-understand manner. Animations are used to illustrate how experiments with neutrons work; young researchers explain how the elementary particles give them unique insights into materials, which allows them to study new concepts for data storage or provide them with a deeper understanding of biological processes.

The video presents the mission of JCNS and the activities of its users as well as the institute's branch offices in Garching near Munich, in Grenoble (France) and in Oak Ridge (USA). The video closes with an outlook on Jülich's involvement in the world's most powerful neutron source, which is currently being built in Lund in Sweden.

Last Modified: 23.08.2022