The Natural, Artificial and Cognitive Information Processing program is part of the research field Information. The Research Field Information spans the spectrum from new data processing systems to innovative materials to powerful supercomputers.

Natural, Artificial and Cognitive Information Processing

Program compact

In this programme, scientists analyse how nature uses an incredibly elegant approach to process complex information in the brain, using very little energy – in the brain, in biological cells, or in individual molecules and atoms. Based on this, new computing concepts are developed and integrated into supercomputers in the form of modules. New technologies could make quantum computers even more powerful and boost their transfer into applications. To this end, researchers operate new laboratories dedicated to specific topics, such as the Helmholtz Quantum Center at Forschungszentrum Jülich. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, Forschungszentrum Jülich plays a leading role in two flagship programs focusing on the human brain and quantum technology. The Human Brain Project (HBP) aims to simulate what we know about the human brain in supercomputers. As part of the Quantum Flagship, every facet of quantum technologies is being explored and one of the first quantum computers in Europe, called the “OpenSuperQ”, is being built in a collaborative effort.


Last Modified: 26.05.2022