Training course: "Scientific Python"

18th March 2013 08:00 AM
20th March 2013 15:30 PM
Ausbildungsraum 2, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, building 16.3, room 004

(Course no. 78/2013 in the training programme of Forschungszentrum Jülich)


Dr. Olav Zimmermann, Dr. Jan Meinke, JSC




3 days


18-20 March 2013, 9:00-16:30


Ausbildungsraum 2, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, building 16.3, room 004



Python is being increasingly used in scientific computing as it is easy to make changes and explore new ideas.
Many Python packages support scientific computing. NumPy provides functionality for working with arrays. SciPy contains functionality for performing common tasks on these arrays, for example linear algebra, optimisation, numerical integration, and much more. Matplotlib is used to produce publication-quality plots.

The course will begin with an overview of NumPy and SciPy and then work along examples targeted at people interested in Python's capabilities and potential applications in their fields.

The course will be structured as follows:

Day 1:

  • When to use Python?
  • SciPy/NumPy overview
  • Working with NumPy arrays and matrices
  • The SciPy modules


  • Matplotlib
  • Integration with other languages (C/C++, Fortran).

Day 3:

  • Depending on the audience the third day will be either dedicated to Life Science applications (e.g. BioPython, MMTK) or interfacing GPUs (pyOpenCL)

This course is aimed at scientists who wish to explore the productivity gains made possible by Python. The course is taught in English.

Basic experience in Python such as provided by the “Einführung in Python” course is assumed.

A minimum of 5 participants is required.
Registration is necessary until 4 March 2013!

Photo Dr. Olav Zimmermann

Please register with:

Dr. Olav Zimmermann

Phone: +49 2461 61-1520


Last Modified: 20.05.2022