Workshop: Introduction into the Blue Gene/Q architecture

5th July 2012 07:00 AM
5th July 2012 13:00 PM


M. Hennecke, T. Maurer (IBM);

J. Docter, I. Gutheil, M. Knobloch, M. Stephan (JSC)


With the Jülich Blue Gene/Q JUQUEEN becoming available for selected external users very soon this workshop will provide an opportunity to learn more about the new machine. Blue Gene/Q is the third generation of the massively parallel Blue Gene computers designed by IBM. The workshop will start with a comprehensive overview on the architecture and system software. Talks on optimisation and performance analysis will give an inside look at strategies for optimal utilisation of the Blue Gene/Q architecture. Finally, an overview on the Jülich installation, the available application software and information on how to access JUQUEEN will be provided.


Agenda of the workshop "Introduction to the Blue Gene/Q Architecture"


Thursday, 5 July 2012, 9:00-15:00


Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Hörsaal (Lecture hall), building 16.3, room 006

Announcement as pdf:

Workshop "Introduction into the Blue Gene/Q architecture"


As the number of participants is restricted, please register for this event by sending an email to Mrs. Bielitza

( before 3. Juli 2012.

All interested users of JSC resources are cordially invited to participate in this workshop.

Last Modified: 20.05.2022