Training Course "Introduction to the programming and usage of the supercomputing resources at Jülich"

21st May 2012 11:00 AM
22nd May 2012 15:00 PM

(Course no. 59/2012 in the training programme of Forschungszentrum Jülich)


Representatives of IBM, Intel and ParTec, JSC staff members




Agenda of the training course "Introduction to the programming and usage of the supercomputing resources in Jülich" in May 2012


1 1/2 days


21 May 2012, 13:00 - 17:30,

22 May 2012, 8:30 - 16:30


Hörsaal, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, building 16.3, room 006



Through the John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Research Centre Juelich provides two major high-performance computing resources to scientific user groups from throughout Germany and Europe. The aim of this course is to give new users of the supercomputing resources an introductory overview of the systems and their usage, and to help them in making efficient use of their allocated resources.

Topics covered are:

  • Overview of the supercomputer systems
  • Usage of the supercomputer systems
  • Grid access via UNICORE
  • Blue Gene architecture
  • JUROPA/HPC-FF architecture
  • Programming (compilers, MPI, OpenMP, debuggers, tools)
  • Performance tuning
  • Libraries and application software
  • Postprocessing and Visualization
  • I/O and data management

Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of UNIX. The course will be held in English.

Registration is necessary!
Please register with:

Elke Bielitza,
Tel. +49 2461 61 5642,

Last Modified: 20.05.2022