Computational Science

Dr. Lars Hoffmann

Head of division HPC in Applied Science and Engineering

  • Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS)
  • Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
Building 14.14 /
Room 4010
+49 2461/61-1978

Computational science, also known as scientific computing, is a research field that uses advanced computing capabilities to understand and solve complex problems in science and engineering. It is an area of science that spans many disciplines, but as its key elements, it typically involves the application of computer simulation and other forms of computation from numerical analysis and theoretical computer science to solve problems in various scientific disciplines.

Computational science tries to gain understanding through the analysis of mathematical models implemented on computers. Following the principle of co-design, computational and domain scientists develop computer programs and application software that model systems being studied and run these programs with various sets of input parameters. In many cases, these models require massive amounts of calculations and are executed on supercomputers or distributed computing platforms.

The Computational Science division at JSC is staffed by scientists from a wide range of applied sciences and engineering. It houses Simulation and Data Laboratories (SDLs) for different scientific domains and the Research Group in Quantum Information Processing. The research and support activities of the division are embedded in the program "Engineering Digital Futures: Supercomputing, Data Management and Information Security for Knowledge and Action" of the Helmholtz Research Field Information and a wide range of related third-party projects and initiatives.

SDLs and Research Groups

Further Information

Last Modified: 13.03.2024